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Rabu, 10 September 2008

I Think

I believed that it couldn’t be, that it was’t
There is simply no way that I could be in love with you
It is just petty jealousy,
I am just feeling lonely
I tried to deceive myself
But now I can't hide from it any longer

I Think I love You that’s how it seems
Cause I Miss You when you’re not around
I can’t do anything
I keep thinking about you
If I look at how things are I know
I'm Falling For You I didn’t realize it
Now I Need You all the time
Located so deep in my heart
Now I see it is you

Maybe we are not suited to each other
It would be good if we are just friends
From one to ten, we never agree on anything
How can we have a relationship
People say we won’t be able to do it
I keep saying it
But now I hate to do it any longer

I didn't realize how I felt about you,
Why couldn't I see?
It was right in front of me
That whole time you were right next to me
Why is it now that I finally see that it is love?


Pala rasanya punying banyeut
perut mual pengen muntah
Rasanya seperti berada dalam sebuah kapal kecil yang sedang berlayar di samudra lepas
Aku serasa diayun oleh kekuatan angin dan air dan ...huekkkkkkkkkkkkk, pengen muntah iks

Senin, 01 September 2008

Tak Berjudul

mami lagi sedih
pengen banget beliin sesuatu buat ci kay
mami pengen beliin ci kay sepatu...
beliin ci kay maenan
beliin ci kay baju yang mami suka
Tapi belon bisa...

mami belon punya uang buat itu
kay tau kan???

Maafin mami ya sayang
bener ga kay, klo smua yang mami pengen juga ci kay pengen?
sabar ya sayang yach....
InsyaAllah klo papi udach kerja ntar ci kay mami beliin

tetep tertawa ya Kay
tetep ceria ya cantik
selalu sehat ya ci mungil
selalu buat mami ngelupain semua kesedihan mami ya sayang

makasih ya Kay...
mami sayang ci kay dan papi
